OMGHAX! You found the fruitwall! By entering a short line of text into the form below, you can add a message that will randomly be selected and displayed in the footer of everypage on this website.

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Previously submitted fruit:

Go Away PLA! I'm a cactus Have you hugged a cactus today? I'm Mildred Monday cactus cactus cactus Cactus? Hey hey I'm on the fruitwall! I love rock and roll!! Ring Ring Ring banananphone!!!! I left my wife for a cactus. The moon rules! Fruity Deliciousness! #2600 is leet! w00t Roses may say I love you, but the cactus says Fuck off Whitney Houston overdosed on cactus I am an Internet haxor. That means I haxor the Internet. What is love? Baby don't hurt me no more. Peach Click the bunny to change the message! I hacked the gibson. We're no strangers to love, You know the rules and so do I tomato piss flaps cunt downtrodden PEACEMEAL ANAL FISSURE Faggots are a traditional dish in the UK,[1][2] especially South and Mid Wales and the Midlands of E FUCK BLACK CHILDREN FUCK A NIGLETT I cactused everywhere plop I love fruit I'm not a spambot 42 Bill Clinton molested a cactus. cactus cactus cactus cactus cactus cactus cactus cactus cactus cactus cactus cactus cactus cactus Eat at Roy's Hold me closer Tony Danza So long and thanks for all the fish Cactus Cactus Cactus Cactus Cactus Cactus Cactus Cactus Cactus Cactus Cactus Cactus Cactus ಠ_ಠ poopflute I love you! Satan is coming ಠ_ಠ Cactus & Cactus Inc. иииии OH Cactus MY Cactus! hawt I love the fruitwall! Pink Floyd rocks my socks but I need moar cactus! puchu! This one time at band camp I stuck a cactus up my pussy. ಠ_ಠ ಠ_ಠ ಠ_ಠ ಠ_ಠ Stop these: ಠ_ಠ fuck off, i love cactii On a cactus, the pricks are on the outside. That's one small step for a cactus, one giant leap for cacti kind! Give me Cactus or give me Death! We hold these truths to be self evident that all cactuses are created equal! Cactus! James Cactus! Agent double O Cactus. Houston, Tranquility base here. The Cactus has landed. Keep calm and start swinging a cactus cacti in bunghole feels nice tAYspGNhUwiI What? Move along. Chuck Norris eats a cactus everyday for breakfast dsfsdf ' woop? VIAGRA VIAGRA CHEAP CIALIS Pointing cactii! ahahahah NIGGA WHAT'S MY MINDSET HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA WHAT.CD WHAT.CD WHAT.CD WHAT.CD WHAT.CD WHAT.CD WHAT.CD WHAT.CD WHAT.CD WHAT.CD WHAT.CD WHAT.CD WHAT ham WHAT.CD jabroni Happy Cactus Day! The cactus is known for its loyalty and its obedience. Stay. Good cactus. Cactus bukkake. The best bukkake. Some cacti are created more equal than others. _Liz likes the cactus All my life I wanted to ride in a hot air cactus balloon moonfish was here moonworm is super fantastic! Dat ass! I eat poop fruit for breakfast Make the bastard chase you. He will follow.

moonworm is super fantastic!